[catwalk Nero] Shinkaku Senki Age Slave ~Inmon ni Ochiru Elf Shimai~
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The Holy Empire of Elfine is shrouded in a deep forest.
Elves and humans coexist there, and the ruling High Elves rule the country as the Pope.
The people have prospered by gaining various powers from the ancient ruins, but there is a goblin clan that wants to take them.
The goblin shaman Zodom, the leader of the clan, has acquired the power of the “machine” and invades the Holy Kingdom with his beasts of burden.
Conventional weapons are useless.
In an emergency situation, the Princess and her sisters are summoned by the priestess and given a ring and new powers.
Hiding their true identities, the two divine warrior princesses protect their people and fight off the goblins.
Time passed…
Cardinal Gedolf, with his own vile ambition, plots to take over the country.
He has secretly allied himself with the goblins to take control of the noble elven princesses.
Gedolf’s schemes have left the princesses with a lewd mark on their bodies.
As their bodies are transformed by Gedolf’s wiles, they lose their power as divine warrior princesses.
In this unrelenting prison, the princesses become Ageslaves.
In this unforgiving prison, the princesses become Ageslaves and, despite their noble hearts, their bodies are corrupted…
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