[Astronauts] Enjou Gakuen 2: Shitenshi-tachi no Hanazono

[Astronauts] Enjou Gakuen 2: Shitenshi-tachi no Hanazono

VNDB | EGS | Getchu | Official Website

A venerable women’s academy with an ancient tradition built deep in the mountains in the middle of nowhere.

However, behind its heavy iron gates, cruel and inhumane “witches” dwell in hiding.

Innocent and wicked young ladies who take pleasure in watching innocent people burn up in flames.

Their petty pranks engulf the peaceful lives of the people in a coma of flames.

A man stands up once again to bring down the hammer of “education” on the young ladies who repeatedly commit atrocious acts.

His name is Masayoshi Yamato, a man with hot blood between his legs.
He is an expert in flame incidents.

Will he be greeted at the back of an old school, by a clean young lady, or by the evil spirits of the spirits of the Môryô?

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